April 22, 2011

Today I'm going to be a tease (3/3)

Third things third.

It's time to make the tough decisions about what books I'm going to bring with me on our cruise. This is the current miniature collection I have of books I mean to read soon. Although technically, the bottom tier is a French Language Tutorial on cd that I just put on my Ipod. I'll be fluent by the time we come home. (HA!)

I suppose it's more like a tower. I think I've narrowed it down to a few, but I still have some more editing to do, I think. Thankfully I finished Ridley Pearson's Kingdom Keepers last night, otherwise I would be in a further conundrum.

While on the floor taking pictures of my book tower, I rolled over onto my back. Here is what my room looks like from the floor:

Once I edit down my book list, I'll let you know what my final decision is.

End Post 3

Today I'm going to be a tease (2/3)

Second things second.
(or In which I become a tease)

I've recently been acquiring dresses from thrift stores for Spring/Summer that I can alter. And although there hasn't been much of a demand to get them finished due to the Icelandic weather that has settled low over California, I have indeed been working on them.

Project 1

I don't have anything personal against shoulder pads, but in this case, those were the first to go.

Next up, I separated the top from the bottom since the dress was about 4 sizes too big and required more than just a little nip here and a tuck there.

This is where I hung the top because I still haven't gotten my dress form yet. (Update on that to follow)

And those are all the pictures I have for you. I smallified both pieces, shortened the sleeves and the hem, and bada-bing new dress! But alas it's packed for our cruise already (I see the glimmer of understanding of what I meant by "tease" begin to glint in your eyes. Sorry, friends).

Project 2
When I bought this dress, the man I bought it from, trying to be polite, tried to tell me it was cute. I knew he didn't really think that, but was trying to compliment my purchase, so I mentioned that I was planning on altering it, saying that I "didn't want it to look quite so..." And he finished my sentence with "Amish," making us both laugh. I love this man and absolutely will shop there again because of him.

This is an alternate spot I found for hanging my dresses. The nail it's hanging from normally has a picture frame there.
First to go were these horrifying bodice tightener things. I don't know what they are and I don't ever want to know.
While I shortened the sleeves (and took a foray into elastic ! ), I'm planning on reusing the buttons somewhere as of yet undecided.

I actually took the time to iron my hem before I sewed it.
Whoa. I'm like...a woman now...or whatever.

Bought: Pink Dress @ ARF
Price: $4

Bought: Floral Dress @ Teen Challenge
Price: $2

Disclaimer: If you live in the area and go to Teen Challenge, they do only take cash.

End Post 2

Today I'm going to be a tease (1/3)

The following will be in three parts. You will know it's time to turn the page when you hear a sound like this: *Ding!*

First things first.

Cat Count
1 sister snuggling with a snoozing, snaggle-toothed feline

4 points (ears and whiskers) poised in disdain (and probably pure, pernicious poison)

Infinite nights of never-sleep from the nefarious naughtiness of my sister

(Please notice how Cricket snuggles up with Josie, and Ducky maintains a comfortable distance. We really are alike.)

End Post 1

April 21, 2011

A super speedy brief post

Well. This post is going to be brief, as the title suggests. I generally always like to have some kind of picture to accompany each post (and...you know...like...a point...or whatever...) but there's just no time today. My family is in the midst of trip preparations so things have been a bit wild lately. Tomorrow I'll have more to say and quite a few pictures to post but for tonight, all that's left to say is that I'm alive and well. And I hope you all are too.
Whats it like for you when you get ready for vacation? Is it fun for you to plan? Does it stress you out? Do your cats try to sneak into your luggage, leaving fur EVERYWHERE in the process? Have you found a way to successfully dispose of your pets without anyone finding them?
Just kidding Cricket. Stay away from my black sweater and you'll live to see another day.
Until tomorrow morning...
I bid you...

April 12, 2011

Dressing Weather-appropriate is for Chumps

So . . .
It's been freezing lately. Which for us Californians means in the 60 degree range. But it's April, darn it! So I'm going to wear skirts and dresses and rompers even if I am running around like a mad person the whole time trying to keep my blood circulating!


When I bought these shoes, I had the following conversation via text with Sweets (my boyfriend):

Me: You're going to break up with me when you see the shoes I just got.
Sweets: Are they heels?
Me: No. They're closer to...loafers...if anything...
Sweets: Why won't I like them?
Me: Michael Jackson. That's all I'll say.
Sweets: Sparkle shoes?
Me: ...maybe...
Sweets: Girls wear some weird crap.

Well-said, Sweets. Well-said.


Bought: Faux Leather Jacket @ Forever 21 a couple years ago (rolled-up sleeves, my doing)
Price: I have no idea

Bought: Chewie & Han novelty tee @ Red Bubble
Price: $21.73 plus shipping

Bought: Purple pencil skirt @ Goodwill
Price: $5

Bought: Belt @ H&M
Price: $4

Bought: Michael Jackson loafers @ Goodwill
Price: $7

One of the best parts about the early 90's prints coming back in style is that I still have some leftovers from the first go-round that I can re-use.

This gingham bow is from elementary school when my mom made Josie and I matching gingham outfits for a church fashion show (I know that seems like an oxymoron, but...)

This purple sweater, which I just barely saved from being donated today is from Jr. High (when I would wear it with matching purple pants and lavender clogs. We don't need to talk about that. Ever.)

I'm a pretty big chicken when it comes to mixing prints. But since I've been re-watching old Project Runway episodes, I've been encouraged by Mondo to be a bit braver.

This is only the beginning. We'll start small and eventually work our way up to more eye-assaulting combinations of prints.


Bought: Floral dress @ Goodwill
Price: $3.50 (half-off day!)

Purple sweater and gingham bow

Cat Count

Cat Count

0 The number of consecutive hours the cats have stayed awake today.

1 The number of times I brought Cricket on an adventure to the car only to have her try to run away because she thought we were going to the vet.

2 The number of times Ducky has tried to make me feel guilty for kicking her off my lap because I had to use my legs.

3 The number of cat-meals I poisoned in an attempt to kill the cats (Just kidding, PETA. Retract those claws.)

While taking pictures of my outfit (for my next post), I got a couple of pictures of Cricket lurking behind me. This one, in particular, reminded me of a "Dear Blank, Please Blank" post Josie found a couple of days ago.
Dear Diary,
Today, my slaves mocked me with a feathery stick. It was oddly tempting. They are messing with my mind. They will not be getting any cuddling tonight. Today I ate a houseplant. Tomorrow I may eat another.

And there you have it. Cats in a nutshell. Which is, in itself, quite the visual.

April 09, 2011

This could be wonderful or terrible

Initially, I wasn't planning on re-posting this primarily because...Hawaiian shirts? Seriously? Ick. On John Lasseter, sure. But on the average human being who has even a modicum of personal style? No, thanks, friends.
Then, I started to think about it, and depending on what's there, maybe we could find something that's more "Blue Hawaii" than "50 First Dates." Don't hold me to that, though.

Hospice Foundation Of The East Bay

Our Walnut Creek and Danville stores are holding Hawaiian Sales this weekend!! We have tons of clothing, both new and vintage, decor including party, bar, and household items, knick knacks, jewelry, albums and much more!!!

1345 Newell Avenue, Walnut Creek

444 Diablo Road, Danville

Friday April 8th
10:00am to 5:00pm

Saturday April 9th

10:00am to 5:00pm

Sunday April 10th
12:00pm to 5:00pm
50% off Hawaiian

Proceeds to Benefit Hospice of the East Bay

April 07, 2011

Hospice Sale Re-post

Hospice Foundation of the East Bay
Estate Sale
129 Angela Avenue

Hospice of the East Bay presents the contents from this fine Alamo Estate. An amazing collection of garden statuary and vintage patio furniture, crystal, china including depression glass, figurines, antique and Asian furniture, jewelry, wall art, clothing, general household items, and tools.

Please do not disturb occupants prior to sale dates.

Friday April 8th
9:00am to 4:00pm

Saturday April 9th
9:00am to 4:00pm

Economy-sensitive pricing both days

All valuables will be removed from premise after hours. Please do not ask homeowners to negotiate. Traffic control will be in place.

Proceeds to Benefit Hospice of the East Bay

Cue the Telegraphs (Victory Garden)

(This is the sound I had running through my head just now. Plus this man's fantastic accent aids in the illusion of being a 1920's reporter on the trail of a hot scoop.)

Well, friends, we may have had a breakthrough in The Case of the Girl Who Can't Eat Anything. After chatting with multiple people about the things that I can't eat, I believe I've come to the conclusion that I have a gluten allergy.
*Cue Psycho slasher music here*
After thinking about it though, I realized that a lot of things that make me sick contain some sort of gluten.

Let's review:
Beer (barley or wheat)
Imitation Crab Meat (wheat)
Pizza (wheat)
Bread??? (Please, God, NO!)

I need to do some more experimenting, but this may be the final piece of my dietary puzzle. Maybe I'm not even lactose-intolerant! Maybe it's just been a latent reaction to gluten! Holy moly articholy.

I feel like I just found the Lindbergh baby, and he's been staring up at us from his crib the entire time.

Cat Count
Ducky has been up on the kitchen table twice this morning and is currently missing -- after demanding that I feed her the rest of her breakfast. She may be more wily than I give her credit for. . .

April 06, 2011

New Hair!

I'm very low-maintenance when it comes to my hair. It just grows out too quickly (about an inch+ a month) to keep short or have elaborately colored. So I decided this time around (since I looked like a bag lady with my amorphous blob of hair) to just get it layered and ombred (that is, colored in the ombre style. Who the heck termed it that? "Yes, I would like my hair colored in the ombre style." It just rolls off the tongue).

Anyway. . . back to where I was before that long-winded deviation . . .

I went to my friend Rachel from Sola Salon Studios--blog here--this morning and gave her free reign with my hair. She had previously done it red last fall, and it turned out so wonderfully that I would basically trust Rachel to do whatever she wanted with my hair short of shaving it off.
Although. . . maybe . . .

At the Lafayette Art & Wine Festival last fall with my red hair

Rachel did my hair this morning, perfectly planned to happen right before my job interview this afternoon, so it would look like I have naturally soft, salon-styled hair (actually, it was purely coincidental).

Spicy new hair

Zingy interview outfit

And I'm ready for Spring.


Bought: Blue pencil skirt (with pockets!) @ Anna's Attic
Price: $4

Bought: Shoes

Bought: Belt

Borrowed: Floral print shirt from my sister, Josie

April 04, 2011

Hodgepodge (hoj-poj)

I hope I'm not the only one, but I sometimes have weird half-asleep thoughts in the middle of the night.

I've been wanting to find and adopt a dress form for quite awhile (hold on, these two thoughts are about to connect...), and last night I had a weird fuzzy idea about actually saving up for one (a-HA!).
I'm going to start collecting all my change from here on out--keeping you updated all the while--with a dress form as my goal.

Currently in my little owl change bank (given to me by Dana) is $3.64, 2 Canadian pennies, 2 $2 bills, and a 1979 silver dollar.

I would show you a picture of little Satchel, but he's in the middle of being repainted and I think he would feel a bit self-conscious about being depicted half-nude for all the world to see (he's very modest for an owl).

On an unrelated note, Ducky has gotten up on the kitchen table twice this morning. She's out of control.

There's absolutely nothing better than waking up, thinking you have to rush somewhere, and then realizing that you have the whole day before you to do nothing. You can just sink back into your pillow a little bit deeper and relish the comfort of your comforter.

Today's Game Plan:
  • Get dressed and ready to go
  • Redeem recyclables
  • Go to the library with Dana
  • Play tennis with Dana (she doesn't know this yet, but as it has been unequivocally determined that I am a control freak...that's not a surprise.)
  • Do some drawering with Dana for our story blog (she also doesn't know this either).
  • Take pictures (for you) of my latest thrifty finds from when Goodwill had a 1/2 off sale on St. Patrick's Day (whaaaaat?)
  • Have a serious talk with Duck about the direction her life is going. This is just getting out of hand.

April 02, 2011

Cats and Suitcases

One of these things is different...

One of these things just doesn't belong...

Meet Ducky--short for Jemima Puddleduck.
Like her namesake, she's the sweetest cat in the world, but not necessarily the brightest. Whereas Cricket sits on the table to be naughty, Ducky sits on the table because she has no idea where she is. We relate a lot, Duck and I.

Anyway, in the midst of Spring Cleaning, I decided to re-purpose one of my suitcases as a cat bed (credit for idea: mom--who credits someone else)

I put the suitcase down in the hallway to try to tempt the cats inside, since they always hop into our traveling bags before vacation. But, as cats are wont to do, they completely ignored just the thing I wanted them to pay attention to.
But not to be discouraged, I began making a lining for the suitcase. I figured if I made it as attractive as, say, those super classy cardboard boxes they like to sit in, they might be tempted inside.
Cricket trying to help me with my sewing.
I have dozens upon dozens of scraps I used for the lining--some from quilting, some from altering clothes. I tend to be a little bit of a perfectionist when it comes to sewing, so projects take me way longer than they need to (especially when I'm in a hurry and don't take the time to pre-measure anything). So my personal goal for this project was just to slap it together all willy nilly and not go back and fix anything.
It is, after all, just a cat bed.

Since I don't have a cutter-bobber to cut things on (like, say, a board), the bottom of the suitcase served as my table so cut on. I then sewed the pieces together in quilt-like fashion and hot glued the sucker to the inside of the lid.
I also had an extra pillow case from when I made my matching duvet cover, so I passed that on to the little wretches.
The end result:

I've yet to lure the cats inside (with this brief exception, blurrily caught on film).

Cricket loves my mom's perfume and even my spritzing that inside doesn't help.
Darn you, cats!
I, therefore, left a very stern note, letting Cricket know that she is not allowed inside the suitcase under any circumstances!

We'll see if that works.

April 01, 2011

Today's Outfit

...is brought to you by the letters S, N, and L

I spent a good chunk of time scouring Google for outfits that I remembered the ladies of SNL wearing that indirectly influenced my outfit today, and nary a one.

So I moved on to Netflix, and spent forever (like 5 minutes) skimming through episodes and taking screen captures.

Ohhhkay creepo in the corner

So that's the style mood I was in when I got dressed.

Then I tried taking pictures outside of my actual outfit, and this is what happened:
And since I was too lazy (darn you, heat!) to find a ladder to set my camera on, you get this instead.

Basically put, there's a whole lot of lazy going on here.

Bought: Blue polka dot blouse (with matching skirt. ai-yee!) @ Goodwill
Price: Under $10

Bought: Red sweater vest @ Plato's Closet
Price: $5

Bought: H&M Jeans (as previously posted here)

Bought: Steve Madden wedges (the pride of my existence, which had never before been worn!) @ Goodwill
Price: Under $10

Bought: Double-wrap-around belt @ Urban Outfitters
Price: $4.99 (whaaaaat??)

Who influences what you wear?

Do you have one style or change it every day?