Bought: Four vintage suitcases
Price: $25 for the set
Store: Teen Challenge, Concord
There's more than just outdated clothes at thrift stores. Oh sorry. Let's be politically correct. "Vintage Shops."
Keep your eyes (and your mind) open for unique pieces with which to decorate. I've found incredible things in the home section (just walk straight past the used silverware without stopping to think about whose filthy lips were on those) that I wouldn't have been able to find anywhere else!
Being extremely narcissistic, I love buying one-of-a-kind pieces. And where else can you get those cheap than a thrift...mmm..."vintage" store?
Correct answer: Nowhere.
i really like that picture.
"just walk straight past the used silverware without stopping to think about whose filthy lips were on those" . . . favorite part! and so true.
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