April 12, 2011

Dressing Weather-appropriate is for Chumps

So . . .
It's been freezing lately. Which for us Californians means in the 60 degree range. But it's April, darn it! So I'm going to wear skirts and dresses and rompers even if I am running around like a mad person the whole time trying to keep my blood circulating!


When I bought these shoes, I had the following conversation via text with Sweets (my boyfriend):

Me: You're going to break up with me when you see the shoes I just got.
Sweets: Are they heels?
Me: No. They're closer to...loafers...if anything...
Sweets: Why won't I like them?
Me: Michael Jackson. That's all I'll say.
Sweets: Sparkle shoes?
Me: ...maybe...
Sweets: Girls wear some weird crap.

Well-said, Sweets. Well-said.


Bought: Faux Leather Jacket @ Forever 21 a couple years ago (rolled-up sleeves, my doing)
Price: I have no idea

Bought: Chewie & Han novelty tee @ Red Bubble
Price: $21.73 plus shipping

Bought: Purple pencil skirt @ Goodwill
Price: $5

Bought: Belt @ H&M
Price: $4

Bought: Michael Jackson loafers @ Goodwill
Price: $7

One of the best parts about the early 90's prints coming back in style is that I still have some leftovers from the first go-round that I can re-use.

This gingham bow is from elementary school when my mom made Josie and I matching gingham outfits for a church fashion show (I know that seems like an oxymoron, but...)

This purple sweater, which I just barely saved from being donated today is from Jr. High (when I would wear it with matching purple pants and lavender clogs. We don't need to talk about that. Ever.)

I'm a pretty big chicken when it comes to mixing prints. But since I've been re-watching old Project Runway episodes, I've been encouraged by Mondo to be a bit braver.

This is only the beginning. We'll start small and eventually work our way up to more eye-assaulting combinations of prints.


Bought: Floral dress @ Goodwill
Price: $3.50 (half-off day!)

Purple sweater and gingham bow


Brynna said...

I know exactly how you feel about dressing for the weather. Winter just dragged on for so long that even though it hasn't been that warm yet I just wanna wear dresses and shorts and all of that good stuff! Luckily it has warmed up around here lately though!

And I agree it is awesome that 90's stuff is so in! You find loads of it at any thrift store you set foot in!

Dana said...

kelly. you are amazing. can i just say i am so - uh - i forgot what i was going to say. but your style is amazing! i cant wait till im finally home and i can shadow you on all your goodwill adventures and find some awesome stuff of my own. ill be like Matt Hooper following around Sam Quint (Jaws ref.) . . . so excited.